Coming soon
Bird Creature Sticker

Coming soon
Mirror Skull Sticker
Holo Label Lino Stickers

Linocut Label Stickers 2
Friendly Moray Eel Sticker
Holo 🌀 Creature Sticker

Holo Mothfriend Sticker
Brewster Linocut Sticker

Bearded Vulture Vinyl Sticker

On sale
Crow Pal Sticker

Sitting Mothfriend Sticker

Opossum Pal Sticker

Lil Mothfriend Stickers
Tall Creature Mini Stickers

Leggy Creature Mini Stickers
Dancing Creature Mini Stickers

Krobus Crew Sticker

Mouse Swarm Mini Stickers

Snowy Owl Sticker
Pale Green Light Purple and Gray Skull Pin
Critter Skull Mini Pins
Iridescent Green, Blue, Pink, and White Eyeball Star Pin
Lil Skull Lino Pin

Plague Dr. Linocuts - 4" x 4"

Swan + Fish Linocut - 4" x 6"

Lil Bird Linocut - 4" x 6"

Swan + Sturgeon Linocut - 4" x 6"

Small Bird Linocuts - 3" x 3"

Brewster Linocuts - 3" x 3"

Little Bird Linocut - 3" x 3"

Hawk + Pine Linocut - 4" x 6"

Friendly Moray Linocut - 4" x 6"

Krobus Linocut - 4" x 6"

Moon and Clouds Mini Print 4"x4"

Lino Pup Mini Print 4" x 4"

Ibis Mini Prints 4"x4"

Moon Mini Print 4" x 4"

Crow Pal Print 4"x6"

Opossum Pal Print 4"x6"

Krobus Crew Print 4"x6"

Bearded Vulture Print 4"x6"
Diamond / Rhombus Magnets
Rectangle and Lil Square Magnets
Big Square Magnets
Painted Flames - Handmade Pendant / Necklace Made with Vintage Illustration
Ribcage Vintage Illustration Pendant / Necklace
Hand and Skulls Vintage Horror Necklace

Vintage Illustration Pins

Little Owl Vintage Metal Trivet

Linocut Label Stickers